Democrats have so far managed to:
- confine most churches in a building where the Gospel is compromised
- pervert public education, creating a zombie factory
- destroy morale and readiness in the military
- unleash a massive bureaucracy, crippling the republic
- obliterate trust in government and the administration of justice
- defund police, encouraging violent crime
- run up $35 Trillion in debt
- set new suicide records in the Veteran population
- promote an invasion of 15 million illegal aliens
- fund BLM and others to start civil and race wars
- ruin the economy
- rig elections
- fund foreign enemies by releasing hundreds of billions of your dollars
- make matters much worse in Israel
- ignore Chinese aggression
- provoke nuclear tensions with Russia, Pakistan, and Iran
- brainwash people to believe climate change is a threat
- foster communism
- deeply injure U.S. sovereignty
- declare war on farmers
- jail people for speaking their minds
- inflame talk of assassination
YOUR VOTE NOV. 5 can help change all this!