This year has been one of the wildest ‘don’t-blink-or-you’ll-miss-it’ election cycles in a series of wild election cycles. But did Dem’s eagerness destroy their own favorite ‘get-Trump’ narrative?
The anti-Trump ‘death of democracy’ narrative is on shaky ground, for more than one reason.
One one side, Trump has literally been the target of an assassination attempt by a gunman whose social media posts have been explicitly pro-Biden/anti-Trump. The Donald has the bullet wound and medical records to prove it.
You don’t get more explicit examples of ‘political violence’ than that. In a single trigger-pull, the left has had their fear-mongering, pearl-clutching moral high ground stripped from them.
For years, Leftists have used every excuse they could to tie the public statements of Trump and/or his supporters to the ‘root cause’ of political violence. Even early reporting of this assassination attempt showed public hand-wringing about the dangers of whipping up some kind of violent right-wing responses to the attempted murder of Donald J Trump.
Those violent uprisings never came. Because the party that embraces violence as a means to political ends, despite all of the left’s shouting to the contrary, has NEVER been the political right. Meanwhile, any half-wit who’s been paying a lick of attention to the last quarter-century of politcal agitation would have no trouble coming up with a half-dozen or more different species of agitation groups who don’t just accept political violence as a necessary evil, but they go so far as to actually embrace and celebrate such violence.
They have a wide range of names and goals, ranging from racial agitation groups, to pro-abortion violence, to Marxist ‘anti-fascist’ groups, to violence in the name of ecological objectives. In the end, they’re all little more than lefist revolutionaries with different excuses to make the world burn.
They DO love making claims that they are the TRUE DEFENDERS of Democracy against the looming Nazi threat of the GOP.
Our ‘moral betters’ on the left have somehow forgiven George Dubya ‘BusHitler’, forgotten all about framing McCain with Hitler and Mugabe in 2008, make no mention whatsoever about their history of comparing milktoastMitt Romney to Goebbels and Nikki Haley (the ‘reasonable alternative’ to Trump in this year’s primaries) to Eva Braun in 2012. They have even stopped battering the McCain family with the War Criminal comparisons. All is forgiven to the ‘literally Hitlers’ of yesteryear as they ready themselves to revive the latest model… Donald Trump, with his ‘extreme’ MAGA supporters.
(And have you noticed there’s always an ‘even worse than this guy’ waiting in the wings? They were setting up the DeSantis-is-worse-than-Trump-because version before Trump ran away with the nomination… now the media flunkies are frantically fitting JD Vance for that title. They would have done the same with anyone he picked as Veep… even if Trump had made a ridiculous choice like Cryin’ Adam Kingsinger, Adam would be the Incaration of Evil before the following morning. That’s how the game is played.)
Trump went through a grueling series of primaries where he had to defend his right to represent the party against some very compelling competitors.
Love the result, or hate it, there is no way to contest the fact that Trump has the overwhelming support of people in his party. The same cannot be said for the party that has wrapped itself in a moralizing cloak of ‘defending democracy’.
In the end, their central claim for legitimacy could prove to be their greatest weakness.
They have disregarded the will of the voter in picking a leader in 2016, when Hillary beat Bernie on the strength of super delegates, not the will of the common voter. They played a similar game when Bernie Sanders was pulling ahead going into Super Tuesday in 2020. Backroom deals were struck in which the right combination of people stayed in the race, and dropped out so that Joe Biden could claim to run in the ‘moderate lane’ because party brass knew that an open Marxist like Bernie could never win the independent voters… but a closet extremist pretending to run as a ‘moderate’ could. That’s how Bernie was cheated a second time.
This time around, the Primary itself was rigged… new rules were invented that favored the incumbent so heavily that even a freaking Camelot Kennedy, whose dad and uncle were both assassinated in the service of the Democrat party, was iced out and forced to run as a third-party candidate.
Not long before Biden announced he was withdrawing from his candidacy, he was pitching his big plans for the first 100 days of his second term.
What changed? Some insider sources aren’t mincing any words. A Pulitzer-Prize-winning reporter is straight-up calling it a coup, and laying the smoking gun at Kamala’s feet.
Insane story from Seymour Hersh…
Biden was threatened with the 25th Amendment by top level Democrats.
“Obama called Biden after breakfast [on July 21] and said, ‘Here’s the deal. We have Kamala’s approval to invoke the 25th Amendment.’”
— Geiger Capital (@Geiger_Capital) July 28, 2024
If they had Kamala’s approval to invoke the 25th Amendment, Biden did not even come close to ‘passing the torch gracefully’. He took a knife in the back and was given the ‘resign quietly or be fired publicly’ ultimatum.
Kamala’s (alleged) willingness to invoke the 25th Amendment raises the very thorny: ‘what did she know and when did she know it’ question.
If she knew about Joe’s decline and was willing to look the other way — despite the fact her specific role as Veep includes a moral obligation to invoke the 25th when he cannot faithfully discharge his Presidential duties — what does that tell us about HER?
Was she really willing to invoke the 25th to throw Joe overboard? If yes… how can we explain why Joe Biden is still in office today?
One possible explanation was that she was protecting America from a President who could no longer fulfil his role as President. Doesn’t that obligate her to follow through on her threat and take away grandpa’s car keys — or in this case — nuclear codes?
On the other hand, if Joe Biden is STILL able to discharge his duties as POTUS, what does that say about Kamala? Whatver you might think of the gamesmanship that took him there, Joe Biden had already secured the endorsement of his own party’s voters.
The will of the people is not erased just because of collapsing poll numbers after a spectacularly craptastic debate performance. Nor is it negated because of pressure from an organized boycott of billionaire donors.
Nobody but Kamala ultimately had a mechanism to force Joe Biden out, while Joe obviously believed himself the Man of the Hour and the only Democrat with the proven chops to defeat Trump, as he saw it, a second time.
Long after Joe had made it obvious that his decision was to stay on, so-called ‘faithful’ party members kept saying it was ‘Biden’s decision to make’. Clearly, they were leaving room for the public to believe this decision was not to be accepted at face value.
This fits the public reporting on the pressure campaign being waged to force Biden to step aside so that (as many supposed) there would be some kind of a mini-primary in the DNC convention. That, at least, would give some kind of a patina of ‘choice’ being made.
How ironic that Kamala, whose entire campaign strategy seems to rest on at least two primary planks: ‘democracy’ and abortion (often expressed with the euphemism ‘pro-choice’) has slipped into the presumptive role of DNC challenger with no consideration whatsoever either to the representation of the people through established democratic processes, NOR has she show any interest in giving her own party a choice as to who will be their leader come November.
The Dems will be rallying around the most left-leaning Democrat they have ever elevated to the position of nominee, and the only real options given to their members are ‘like it’ or ‘leave’.
The fake news people began dutifully calling her the awesomest candidate ever to run a political race. They have used fawning language not seen since Hillary or Obama’s campaign. But that doesn’t negate stories like this one:
“She’s not our best candidate, but she’s gonna be the candidate,” one California Democrat delegate told Politico. The delegate also expressed disappointment that there wasn’t an open process for multiple candidates. “There’s no point in not getting on board.”– PJMedia
Those are the central facts surrounding the claims of Kamala’s Coup.
That PJMedia story went on to describe some more behind-the-scenes disagreement you won’t see shared by any of those aforementioned fawning news broadcasts.
The Effeminization Of The American Male by Doug Giles
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